Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Inspirations For A Pilgrim

Only 15 more pages available for sale, and I am so delighted at all the people who have felt a resonance with the project and are supporting me on my journey by buying pages and becoming Page Pilgrims with me... and ... I am really enjoying colouring in the circles as the pages get sold. This colourful dotted page makes up the first entry into the artist book that I am creating to document the journey.

Here are a few of the wonderful comments I have been receiving from people as they engage with the project, choose their page number and become Page Pilgrims: 

"What a wonderful project and inspiring journey you have chosen to embark on. I am delighted to become a 'page pilgrim" 
JB Author of Camino Guides

"I love and admire what you're doing and feel connected to it" 

"Thank you for sharing your journey. I will be with you all the way.I saw your video on Facebook yesterday and it really touched me. You are a beautiful person. I feel that being part of your journey will bring me something beautiful too. I'm already very thankful for that. Good luck and enjoy." 
KV Belgium

To buy your page click here

I am already here in Portugal and I am enjoying feeling the colours and shapes of the country come in. Last week as we were moving our caravan to a different spot, I took the opportunity to drive up along part of the route of the Camino with my partner to get a feel for some of the path. I am also doing some research into how I want to visually document my journey and create a beautiful and authentically expressive book.

Below are some visual impressions of recent glimpses of time here in Portugal. They are some examples of how I see colours, shapes and forms in my environment that can potentially be inspiring for illustrations and visual documentation.

A Portuguese tiled façade of a house, a square bridge over a flowing river, a large shade making leaf, sun drying tomatoes.

and another one ... 

"You are an inspirational multi talented young woman, I wish you lots of fun, love, laughter, and insights on your journey. You are two beautiful souls and together you make magic happen. Love to you both xx Big hugs. " 

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Courage Into The Unknown

Courage is risking the known for the unknown, the familiar for the unfamiliar, the comfortable for the uncomfortable arduous pilgrimage to some unknown destination. One never knows whether one will be able to make it or not. It is a gambling, but only the gamblers know what life is."
- Osho

A friend posted this Osho quote on Facebook today and it does indeed seem so fitting for my life at the moment. There have been so many occasions in my life, and continue to arise, when I am confronted with the reality of my life. Looking at where I am in the present moment and asking what do I need to do now for me to feel good about my next move forward in life. It is not always easy. 

More and more I am finding that I need to trust my instinct more than I do; if it feels wrong, don't do it. To really trust that, even if there is nothing foreseeable on the other side, that it is okay to take a leap of faith and jump into the unknown, if that is what feels right in the belly and heart.

It has taken me a long time to to learn how to trust this and stand by my true nature, feel the colours of my life and dive into the mixing palette to find each time a new expression or way of life. 

Ultimately it is all okay. The only thing that I find not okay, is not to say yes to myself. If I can say yes to myself and learn to love myself fully and healthily, then that opens the doorway to authentic living in all aspects of life. 

Who knows where I will end up? I keep following the next step of 'YESS-NESS' in life and in return for the risk and gamble, am feeling the beauty of life itself.

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

In A Word Or Two

I have arrived in Portugal and have been feeling into the path of the pilgrimage that lies ahead of me later this year, I have not been able to post very easily for the last 2 weeks due to moving around a lot. 
A selection of pages are still available for you choose which one you like to become a Page Pilgrim. 
Support me on my journey and receive a unique opportunity to have an actual page of art from my new book. A visual and authentic document of walking a pilgrimage, the artistic way. Enjoy my latest video as I describe a bit about what this means to me. smile emoticon
Click here to buy a page