Tuesday, 26 April 2016

40 Pages of Pilgrimage Film Documentation

This short film is the documentation of the dividing up of Hazel's artist journal. 

40 days walking, 40 pages of art and writings journalled in Hazel's Pilgrim Diary. 

In September and October 2015, Hazel embarked on and completed her 40 day pilgrimage journey. 40 pages were created, documented and sent out to Page Pilgrims who had bought a page upfront by choosing a number from her book. 

Hazel is currently composing and writing the book to tell the story of her pilgrimage journey, her experience, reflections, drawings, poetry and why she did it. 

About Hazel:
As a multi-disciplinary artist, Hazel Evans uses illustration, poetry, sound, performance and installation as she blurs the boundaries between illustration and performance.

Threads that run through Hazel's work include themes of communication, scientific and self discovery as well as journeys. Hazel's art practice explores interior and exterior landscapes of the body, mind and soul; how we situate ourselves as beings in our external environments and the stories we hold in our bodies.

© Hazel Evans 2015 - 2016