Wednesday 21 September 2011

The Bookshelf plinths have arrived ... preparations underway for The Monochronium

Today I popped into Lighthouse for a quick meeting. I took a look in the gallery and was excited to see that The Bookshelf plinths had arrived in preparation for The Monochronium exhibition. So I thought I would just film a short piece to show you the gallery, as it is now pretty empty, before it all starts to take place for my upcoming exhibition.

Other news, I met up with one of the photographers who will be documenting the event and also met with a film maker who will also be engaging with the exhibition and producing an art film documentary of the event.

It's all happening, but still plenty of work to do. But in the mean time, here's the little clip of video blog for you.

A live art and work in progress exhibition
 An exploration of words, music and illustration
by Hazel Evans with supporting artists and musicians
22 - 29 October at Lighthouse Poole
Featured event 'Artathon' 26th and 27th October 
 click here for more information on The Monochronium and Artathon
'LIKE' my the facebook page and see your there!

The Bookshelf is sponsored by Oxfam
The Monochronium Exhibiton and Hazel Evans artist are working in support of The Princes Trust