Friday 2 September 2011

Preparations for The Monochronium

A few days ago, I invited Carol Childs along for a photo shoot for The Monochronium so I could get some lovely pictures for our collaboration which will take place during the Artathon for the exhibition.

We had a great time messing around infront of the camera whilst trying to grasp a shot that would tell the story of what will be taking place during Lighthouse's first ever live art extravaganza!

Preparations are all rolling along nicely, there are lots of collaborators and helpers come on board to make this all happen ... it's very exciting, but I do also find myself getting nervous (stage fright maybe) at times!

Anyway, enjoy our little film clip and we, along with many other artists, musicians and creative lovers, look forward to welcoming you to The Monochronium's Artathon beginning on 26th October for 36 hours of non-stop creativity.

Photography by Craig Coady