Sunday, 6 December 2015

Slicing And Splicing Coming Soon

I would like to share with you a little about the Pilgrimage and the evolution of the project since finishing the journey in late October.

I returned to England after the Pilgrimage, landing back into a life I once knew, familiar faces and places after a significant time in my own energy. Within me, stirrings of how the pilgrimage had changed me and my internal landscapes, so some integration time was needed for this.

I knew the next part of the 40 Days of Pilgrimage project would be to cut the book up, separating the individual pages, and send them to the respective Page Pilgrims. But it didn't come to me to do this whilst in England in November. There were still 2 pages to be sold, and it was upon the selling of the last page that I knew this phase was now complete and I could move onto the next part of the project.

For those who know my work already, you will know that I am very process orientated and working with the inner and outer landscapes of body, earth and soul, is one of the major themes of my work, so if it doesn't feel right on the inside I need to honour that. This is when I realised once again that my art has it's own process by which I feel guided and thus remain in line with it's integrity. So I can't just cut the book up, film it, post it, put it on line and be done with it. I have now found a special spot where I shall separate the pages of the book and am intending to film this in the next 10 days then send the pages out to the Page Pilgrims.

I have realised that this project has it's own motion of evolving. I saw this also happening as I was creating the book. After about 10 days on the pilgrimage I could see the book beginning to show me what was going on and I became an observer in my own story. I look forward to the next phases of this project.

The next phases will be something like this:
  • Film dividing the pages of the book
  • Send the pages to Page Pilgrims
  • Put the book together for publishing – digital preparation of artwork, writing the story of the journey from my notes, the book and my diary, editing and selecting photographs. Publishing (online and/or hard copies)
  • Preparation for exhibition and sharing of the project more widely.

Thank you for joining me on this profound journey. To walk a pilgrimage is something I have wanted to do for about 10 years, it also reflects the pilgrimage to the heart I have undertaken with myself over these years and I very much look forward to writing this story and sharing it with others.

Best wishes
Lots of love


Wednesday, 18 November 2015

All Sold - Now Onto Next Phase

The end of my pilgrimage happened a few weeks ago now, and a few days ago the last page was sold. So now the next phase of the project can begin. I am to find a special location where the cutting up of the book can be filmed and prepare the artwork for the final pilgrimage, to be sent to destinations around the world to the Page Pilgrims.

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Inspirations For A Pilgrim

Only 15 more pages available for sale, and I am so delighted at all the people who have felt a resonance with the project and are supporting me on my journey by buying pages and becoming Page Pilgrims with me... and ... I am really enjoying colouring in the circles as the pages get sold. This colourful dotted page makes up the first entry into the artist book that I am creating to document the journey.

Here are a few of the wonderful comments I have been receiving from people as they engage with the project, choose their page number and become Page Pilgrims: 

"What a wonderful project and inspiring journey you have chosen to embark on. I am delighted to become a 'page pilgrim" 
JB Author of Camino Guides

"I love and admire what you're doing and feel connected to it" 

"Thank you for sharing your journey. I will be with you all the way.I saw your video on Facebook yesterday and it really touched me. You are a beautiful person. I feel that being part of your journey will bring me something beautiful too. I'm already very thankful for that. Good luck and enjoy." 
KV Belgium

To buy your page click here

I am already here in Portugal and I am enjoying feeling the colours and shapes of the country come in. Last week as we were moving our caravan to a different spot, I took the opportunity to drive up along part of the route of the Camino with my partner to get a feel for some of the path. I am also doing some research into how I want to visually document my journey and create a beautiful and authentically expressive book.

Below are some visual impressions of recent glimpses of time here in Portugal. They are some examples of how I see colours, shapes and forms in my environment that can potentially be inspiring for illustrations and visual documentation.

A Portuguese tiled façade of a house, a square bridge over a flowing river, a large shade making leaf, sun drying tomatoes.

and another one ... 

"You are an inspirational multi talented young woman, I wish you lots of fun, love, laughter, and insights on your journey. You are two beautiful souls and together you make magic happen. Love to you both xx Big hugs. " 

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Courage Into The Unknown

Courage is risking the known for the unknown, the familiar for the unfamiliar, the comfortable for the uncomfortable arduous pilgrimage to some unknown destination. One never knows whether one will be able to make it or not. It is a gambling, but only the gamblers know what life is."
- Osho

A friend posted this Osho quote on Facebook today and it does indeed seem so fitting for my life at the moment. There have been so many occasions in my life, and continue to arise, when I am confronted with the reality of my life. Looking at where I am in the present moment and asking what do I need to do now for me to feel good about my next move forward in life. It is not always easy. 

More and more I am finding that I need to trust my instinct more than I do; if it feels wrong, don't do it. To really trust that, even if there is nothing foreseeable on the other side, that it is okay to take a leap of faith and jump into the unknown, if that is what feels right in the belly and heart.

It has taken me a long time to to learn how to trust this and stand by my true nature, feel the colours of my life and dive into the mixing palette to find each time a new expression or way of life. 

Ultimately it is all okay. The only thing that I find not okay, is not to say yes to myself. If I can say yes to myself and learn to love myself fully and healthily, then that opens the doorway to authentic living in all aspects of life. 

Who knows where I will end up? I keep following the next step of 'YESS-NESS' in life and in return for the risk and gamble, am feeling the beauty of life itself.

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

In A Word Or Two

I have arrived in Portugal and have been feeling into the path of the pilgrimage that lies ahead of me later this year, I have not been able to post very easily for the last 2 weeks due to moving around a lot. 
A selection of pages are still available for you choose which one you like to become a Page Pilgrim. 
Support me on my journey and receive a unique opportunity to have an actual page of art from my new book. A visual and authentic document of walking a pilgrimage, the artistic way. Enjoy my latest video as I describe a bit about what this means to me. smile emoticon
Click here to buy a page

Wednesday, 29 July 2015

What In The Art Could It Be?

Hello Everyone, 

As the project evolves and people from all over the world are becoming Page Pilgrims by buying pages, I thought I would do a select showcase of some of my illustration work from over the last few years to give you a little soupçon of what one could expect in the art book that will be created along the way of the Camino Pilgrimage. 

These images are illustrations from sketch books, commissions, performance projects and exhibitions.

I am so happy to have so many of you along, with half of the pages sold so far in a couple of weeks since I launched the project, I am curious to see who else joins us on this artistic pilgrimage of inner and outer landscapes. To a become Page Pilgrim in this special artist event, book creation, performance walk and potentially life changing event in the making click here

"Before a new chapter is begun, the old one has to be finished. 

Stop being who you were, and change into who you are". 

Paulo Coelho


Hazel Evans © All rights reserved

Thursday, 23 July 2015

Walking With The Moon

Now, there are no guarantees for what will arrive on the page each day, but I  just thought I would share with you some of my recent work that has been manifesting in the energy of the moons.

Earlier this year a new body of work arrived between the spring solar eclipses. These beauties represent the Goddess energies of the four elements; Air and Soul Singer, Fire and Pathfinder, Water and Deep Diver and Earth and Great Queen. They are also in the essence of Rhiannon, Goddess of Love and sacred vessel for the female body.

The whole collection of 9 illustrations forms a wheel indicating the year and archetypal energies of all the Goddess of Love aspects; including Wild Maiden, Lover, Mother Midwife and Wise Woman Crone and the centre is the great illuminator and mirror through the veil of love. 

If you would like to become a Page Pilgrim, haven't chosen your number yet, are keen on astrology and the potential of what could arise with the energy of the moons. I look forward to the creative gifts and energy that this project will bring. In joy and welcome new Page Pilgrims.

A little exert on the power of the moon

... It is the space between time, the crack in the worlds. Suspension of the normal day to day activities. Time to play, party and enjoy the moments. In other times when human life may have been less stressful and regimented everyone got together and celebrated. Maybe we can begin to re-create this magical sacred space..

(Selected information from

Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Week By Week Pilgrimage

As time progresses and more Page Pilgrims are buying pages and joining me in spirit on my pilgrimage from Lisbon to Santiago and onto Fisterra, I am realising the extent to which I have created a project which is going to impact me in many ways and beyond probably anything I can expect.

To help you choose what page you would like to buy here is a compact week by week description of the landscapes that the path will take me on. Every week and every day will bring me new things for my daily artist entry into the 40 Pages of Pilgrimage diary. A hot pot of landscapes, thoughts, inspirations, emotions, and reflections will all go into the mix for daily creation.

To own an original page from this unique book I will be creating and publishing and take part in the art in the making go to Buy Pilgrimage Page.

It will be wonderful to create a page for someone each day. The illustrations, poems, writings, jottings, line makings, scribbles and whatever else that may arise be will all be part of this wonderful visual journey journal that I wish to create and I would love to have you join me along The Way.

Here is the route I will be embarking on and a rough guide to arrival and departure points along the way to help you choose your page.

Week 1 -  Lisbon to Santarem - From Vibrant Lisbon, following the river, water and current of life, through the ‘Garden of Portugal’ and onto a Gothic city

Week 2 - Santarem to Coimbra - Rolling hills, olive groves and through a temple city following the Roman roads and farm tracks - walking a variety of paths. 

Week 3 - Coimbra to Porto - Through picturesque woodlands and vineyards leading to the Atlantic Ocean and into the famous UNESCO port. 

Week 4 - Porto to Tui - The path weaves through countryside and town, traverses the threshold into Spain rife with history and spectacular baroque architecture. 

Week 5 - Tui to Santiago - Quiet country roads and beautiful woodlands, gentle rivers and coastline paths weave the way to the glorious Santiago de Compostela. 

Week 6 - Santiago to Fisterra - A walk to the end of the world! Onto the Costa da Morte (Coast of Death) where pagans believed the sun died and the worlds of the dead and the living became closer. A journey towards the expanse of the Atlantic.

Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Deciding to Walk the Walk

Those times we all have. The mind starts churning at 4 am. By 5 am I was determined not to let my mind be the bearer of heavy words any longer on my vulnerable morning self, so I went down to beach. I took my phone and a speaker with intentions to dance.

When I got to the beach, there was no one there at all. I walked along the cliff top and felt my fear of going onto the beach alone. My vulnerability. It occurred to me, if I couldn't even be alone on the beach how could I ever possibly manage anything like walking a pilgrimage. So I went down. Diving into exploring fearlessness.

Of course, when I got there, I was fine. I was safe.

I was experiencing one of those times of feeling lost and self detrimental... an invitation for another breakthrough.

Choosing to step out of living in a conventional way in society, this year has been about constantly moving, inner and outer landscapes of my daily existence. I feel deep into the motions of life and am letting my sensitive self awaken and live more and more.

So on this morning, I gave myself to the sea with my dance. I put on my music and journeyed into the simplicity of being present on the beach that morning. Dancing, playing and moving the sand. I asked the flowing waters, the morning air and went deep inside. "What do I need to do before the end of this year?" The answer was immediate ... "Walk the way of the pilgrimage". Immediate sense of purpose came in to me. I felt that the decision to do this was beyond my mind thinking it could be a good idea.

Then, as the waters flowed and my dance continued, the idea of sharing the journey as a work of art came. It felt right to let the art continue a journey beyond the end of the pilgrimage. The final destination will be as each piece of art arrives with the people who chose to come with me as Page Pilgrims, and this is all over the world.

My art is very much about sharing the experience with others. I hope that what I do inspires others in some way to reflect on their lives and explore their inner and outer landscapes.

Life is for living and yes, I feel the fear of embarking on this journey as I walk alone. My journey of self discovery over the last 10 years has been incredible when I look back at it. When I returned to England from living in France I was completely broken. When I felt a victim of what people seemed to have been doing to me, I stood up and realised it was me who had to change. Only I had to do the work on myself to stop attracting destruction and pain in my life, I had to find my way back to my home within. From constant adjusting, believing I was not good enough, believing that others knew best for me, suppressing my true and sensitive self, (conditioning and brainwashing of society not helping this either), I had learned not to feel my instincts any more. And now? Well, I have learned to walk the path of self love so that I can feel the authenticity of my life. I am still learning, and I am work in progress as always, but I have a lot of love in my life and I feel that I am returning to feel my true 'wild' essence of healthy woman.

And so I will walk. Not to find myself, but to imprint new steps onto my authentic path. I walk with gratitude for everyone who has come into my life, I see them as teachers for things I have had to learn to find my way back to my soul home and authentic way of being. My heart is open to life and my self.

To join me on my journey you can buy an original page from the artist diary and become a Page Pilgrim.

Tuesday, 14 July 2015

People Picking Pages

Yesterday I launched the 'Buy Pilgrimage Page' on my blog. 7 Page Pilgrims have joined me already with pages going to different place in the UK as well as Holland and Thailand ... I am colouring each number as they get bought ... I wonder where all the other pages will pilgrim around the planet. 

I find it interesting to see what pages are selling first ~ I wonder what will happen in the middle couple of weeks! Yikes! 

Join me for the walk and become a Page Pilgrim ~ click here

Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Creating In Truth

Today I am preparing for the launch of a new project, as well as updating my on-line presence ... this blog included.

I finished my MA in Illustration (cross pathways with Performance Art) at The Arts University Bournemouth last year and this picture below is from a performance presentation I was experimenting with. I just came across it again today and it reminded me of the journey that I am on at the moment. The journey into truth and living my authenticity. 

Part of taking time out this year has been to create space for my system after many years of intensive creative outpouring; to allow myself space to return to the source place of true creation. I have been pealing back the layers of my conditioning and looking deep into the patterns within my self. It has been an incredible journey so far. A journey that I realise started many many years ago when I first started on the path to learning about who I really am. Needless to say, art has played a profound part in this journey. And it continues...

... New work is emerging as I keep checking in with myself, 'Does this feel good? Does this feel right? What is my art work showing me? The journey is very important, so is the questioning as well as the reflection into the mirror of wisdom. With this all in the mix, new inspiration is coming. I have started writing my first novel, a new collection of illustrations is forming and a new project on the horizon.  

And so I relaunch my blog after a dormant time and look forward to the unveiling and unfurling of this new path of creation that is inviting me to authentically step into it, once again. 

Deep Diver Rhiannon
From a new collection of Goddess illustrations
She dives deep into the depths of the ocean, to find the pearls, 
choosing illumination and resurfacing in 
authentic transformation of the divine feminine power.