Wednesday, 21 September 2011

The Bookshelf plinths have arrived ... preparations underway for The Monochronium

Today I popped into Lighthouse for a quick meeting. I took a look in the gallery and was excited to see that The Bookshelf plinths had arrived in preparation for The Monochronium exhibition. So I thought I would just film a short piece to show you the gallery, as it is now pretty empty, before it all starts to take place for my upcoming exhibition.

Other news, I met up with one of the photographers who will be documenting the event and also met with a film maker who will also be engaging with the exhibition and producing an art film documentary of the event.

It's all happening, but still plenty of work to do. But in the mean time, here's the little clip of video blog for you.

A live art and work in progress exhibition
 An exploration of words, music and illustration
by Hazel Evans with supporting artists and musicians
22 - 29 October at Lighthouse Poole
Featured event 'Artathon' 26th and 27th October 
 click here for more information on The Monochronium and Artathon
'LIKE' my the facebook page and see your there!

The Bookshelf is sponsored by Oxfam
The Monochronium Exhibiton and Hazel Evans artist are working in support of The Princes Trust

Thursday, 15 September 2011

Artathon - Schedule released!

 The Artathon is a 36 hour live art event taking place from 8am Wednesday 26th October to 8pm Thursday 27th October as part of The Monochrnonium exhibition by Lighthouse's inaugural visual artist Hazel Evans.

This innovative live art exhibition is a collaboration with over a dozen artists and musicians to bring you an interactive display of the visual arts though words, music and illustration.This exhibition embraces the monochrome and monochronic world Hazel will create in The gallery in Lighthouse Poole.

The public are invited to join us Hazel anf other artists in the gallery during this time to enjoy watching artists in action as well as having to opportunity to interact and participate in the exhibition. 

This is a free event

For full details and updates on the event visit the facebook event page - Click here

More information about Hazel Evans Visual Artist
Lighthouse website - The Monochronium

Sunday, 11 September 2011

Pride in Bournemouth final Lion varnishing

Today I went into the Lion's Den in Bournemouth to finish off the final touches to my lovely lions. I had a lovely day with many other artists who also came in to work on their lions. Thank you to everyone in this project, it has been wonderful being a part of it and I look forward to the auction evening next week. It has been great to make some new friends too working on this project.

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keep up to date with all my exciting arty stuff

More about my upcoming exhibition The Monochronium
and artist residency at Lighthouse Poole, the largest arts centre outside of London

Friday, 9 September 2011

New Postcards! Hurrah!!

Well I just got rather excited about my new postcards, so I thought I would share them! They arrived in the post today, in perfect timing for next week, when I will be attending the VIP reception for the Pride in Bournemouth auction at The Pavillion in Bournemouth.

I like the way my illustrations look when they are reduced right down to a postcard or business card, you see the original size is A3... love them this size though ... it's easy to keep art on you at all times when it's this size ... pocket size art, love it! :)

Really starting to enjoy this flipcam ... a great way to document little moments of my art-full journey. 

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Make over for Pride in Bournemouth Lions

Today I went into the Lions Den in Bournemouth to give a bit of TLC to my lovely lions before they go to auction on the 18th September at The Pavillion in Bournemouth to raise money for the Born Free foundation and Julia's House. 

Artist Hazel Evans' lions for Pride in Bournemouth

Friday, 2 September 2011

Oxfam Sponsoring The Bookshelf

Today I received confirmation that Oxfam will be continuing their sponsorship of The Bookshelf, live art performance first launched at Poole literary Festival 2010. I was also invited to take The Bookshelf to Walford Mill Crafts Gallery as part of their 'Lost for Words' artist's books exhibition where we held three showings of the live art piece.

I am delighted that Oxfam are continuing their support of my art project and that a whole new team of artist will be participating in The Bookshelf which this time will feature in the Artathon during my forthcoming exhibition, The Monochronium, at Lighthouse Poole on 26th and 27th October.

I will be popping along to the Oxfam depot in the next few weeks to collect some more discarded books for the artists to transform into wonderful literary inspired works of art. The books they donate to the art project are ones that are not in good enough condition to sell so Oxfam are happy for us to be creative with them and show another means of recycling and reusing these discarded items.

The Artathon will be non-stop art for 36 hours (I will be the only one not sleeping through the whole thing!) and there will be two showings of The Bookshelf, one on each day in the early evening.

Here is my latest video diary to give you a bit more information as to who will be taking part ...

“'The Bookshelf', shows new book works that have been recycled from unwanted books donated by Oxfam, a transformative process that has taken place in live artist's performances at different points in the show... a strong idea, adding a new layer of fresh narrative” - The Arts Council

You can keep updated by joining my facebook page ... the Monochronium event is also listed so don't forget to check that out for more details :-)

Preparations for The Monochronium

A few days ago, I invited Carol Childs along for a photo shoot for The Monochronium so I could get some lovely pictures for our collaboration which will take place during the Artathon for the exhibition.

We had a great time messing around infront of the camera whilst trying to grasp a shot that would tell the story of what will be taking place during Lighthouse's first ever live art extravaganza!

Preparations are all rolling along nicely, there are lots of collaborators and helpers come on board to make this all happen ... it's very exciting, but I do also find myself getting nervous (stage fright maybe) at times!

Anyway, enjoy our little film clip and we, along with many other artists, musicians and creative lovers, look forward to welcoming you to The Monochronium's Artathon beginning on 26th October for 36 hours of non-stop creativity.

Photography by Craig Coady

Thursday, 1 September 2011

Sketching Fearne part 2

Well, I'm starting to get the hang of my new computer and all the gadgets that link to different places and I have just discovered a really easy way of linking many bits and bobs together, including my films ... well I say 'my films' like I am an experienced film maker, whereas in actual fact I am just enjoying snipity snipping bits of my art work in progress ...

... this snip is from 'Sketching Fearne', it really should have been attached to the other blog. 

... but you see at the time of it's publication I was not so hot fingered on which buttons to press on thy lovely computer. Now that I am blessed with this new knowledge please enjoy this little clip and insight into my work with Fearne, more of which is to come as part of my upcoming exhibition The Monochronium. Keep updated on my facebook events page with more news of the line up to be released in a few weeks... put it in your digital diary!

My handy pen action ... good ol' pen and paper!

The Monochronium – Contemporary visual arts this Autumn at Lighthouse

My magnificent ‘Monochronium’ will transform the gallery in Lighthouse into a world of the monochronic monochrome. A black and white infusion of words, musical scores and ink onto walls, paper and canvas. I have created a world that melds antiquity with the modern in a contemporaneous show of live art.

I feel very honored to be the inaugural visual artist at Lighthouse Poole, and am very excited about launching my new exhibition The Monochronium this October at Lighthouse, the largest arts centre outside of London, situated in Poole. The Monochronium will give the public the chance to engage with the development of my work since I began working with Lighthouse in 2010.
 The Monochronium Exhibition which lasts for one week at Lighthouse will showcase a 36hour long Art-a-thon featuring a fabulous line up of artist and music collaborations, feeding inspiration into the art tha I will be creating in the gallery.

Keep up to date with news on my facebook page
'Like' me!

Photography by Craig Coady