Hazel Evans Artist blog ~ Illustrator, performance artist, writer and artistic director documents the journey of her art practice as her work explores the blurring of boundaries between inner and outer landscapes of the body and soul.
Saturday, 24 December 2011
New Project for 2012 - Inspire 52

Wednesday, 9 November 2011
The Monochronium Snap Shot
Below is The Monochronium Artathon schedule.
Wednesday, 21 September 2011
The Bookshelf plinths have arrived ... preparations underway for The Monochronium
Other news, I met up with one of the photographers who will be documenting the event and also met with a film maker who will also be engaging with the exhibition and producing an art film documentary of the event.
It's all happening, but still plenty of work to do. But in the mean time, here's the little clip of video blog for you.
A live art and work in progress exhibition
An exploration of words, music and illustration
by Hazel Evans with supporting artists and musicians
22 - 29 October at Lighthouse Poole
Featured event 'Artathon' 26th and 27th October
click here for more information on The Monochronium and Artathon
'LIKE' my the facebook page and see your there!
The Bookshelf is sponsored by Oxfam
The Monochronium Exhibiton and Hazel Evans artist are working in support of The Princes Trust
Thursday, 15 September 2011
Artathon - Schedule released!
The Artathon is a 36 hour live art event taking place from 8am Wednesday 26th October to 8pm Thursday 27th October as part of The Monochrnonium exhibition by Lighthouse's inaugural visual artist Hazel Evans.
This innovative live art exhibition is a collaboration with over a dozen artists and musicians to bring you an interactive display of the visual arts though words, music and illustration.This exhibition embraces the monochrome and monochronic world Hazel will create in The gallery in Lighthouse Poole.
The public are invited to join us Hazel anf other artists in the gallery during this time to enjoy watching artists in action as well as having to opportunity to interact and participate in the exhibition.
This is a free event
For full details and updates on the event visit the facebook event page - Click here
More information about Hazel Evans Visual Artist
Lighthouse website - The Monochronium
Monday, 12 September 2011
The Monochronium - Work in progress exhibition by Hazel Evans
Sunday, 11 September 2011
Pride in Bournemouth final Lion varnishing
Friday, 9 September 2011
New Postcards! Hurrah!!
I like the way my illustrations look when they are reduced right down to a postcard or business card, you see the original size is A3... love them this size though ... it's easy to keep art on you at all times when it's this size ... pocket size art, love it! :)
Really starting to enjoy this flipcam ... a great way to document little moments of my art-full journey.
Wednesday, 7 September 2011
Make over for Pride in Bournemouth Lions
Friday, 2 September 2011
Oxfam Sponsoring The Bookshelf
“'The Bookshelf', shows new book works that have been recycled from unwanted books donated by Oxfam, a transformative process that has taken place in live artist's performances at different points in the show... a strong idea, adding a new layer of fresh narrative” - The Arts Council
You can keep updated by joining my facebook page ... the Monochronium event is also listed so don't forget to check that out for more details :-)
Preparations for The Monochronium
Thursday, 1 September 2011
Sketching Fearne part 2
... this snip is from 'Sketching Fearne', it really should have been attached to the other blog. http://hazelevans.blogspot.com/2011/08/sketching-fearne.html
... but you see at the time of it's publication I was not so hot fingered on which buttons to press on thy lovely computer. Now that I am blessed with this new knowledge please enjoy this little clip and insight into my work with Fearne, more of which is to come as part of my upcoming exhibition The Monochronium. Keep updated on my facebook events page with more news of the line up to be released in a few weeks... put it in your digital diary!
The Monochronium – Contemporary visual arts this Autumn at Lighthouse

The Monochronium Exhibition which lasts for one week at Lighthouse will showcase a 36hour long Art-a-thon featuring a fabulous line up of artist and music collaborations, feeding inspiration into the art tha I will be creating in the gallery.
Keep up to date with news on my facebook page
'Like' me!
Photography by Craig Coady
Saturday, 27 August 2011
Pride in Bournemouth Lions - Hazel's Mini Tour
'Born to be Free' - Landrover - This design incorporates the strong brand colours of Landrover into a beautiful illustrative butterfly design with the words 'Born to be Free' flowing through the design. This prize-winning design symbolises freedom to live and is in line with ethics of Landrover and the Born Free foundation. This Lion was also chosen to attend Virginia McKenna's celebrity 80th Birthday held at the Savoy London in spring 2011.
Tuesday, 16 August 2011
Sketching Fearne

Winners of the 2011 Dorset Music Awards, Fearne have appeared at Larmer Tree Festival, Beach Break Live and have toured with Athlete, Feeder, Nizlopi and many more but what makes Fearne unique is the natural ability to make even the most extravagant pop song feel intimate. Principal songwriter Alex performs with his audience in his palm and his heart on his sleeve and is perfectly complimented by the multi instrumentalists Nick, Adam and Darren.
Heavily tipped for big things by BBC Introducing Sussex as a "Folk/Pop band with a moral compass". Just look out for the band with the lucky gold cat ...
So as you can imagine, I am really looking forward to these guys' music feeding inspiration into my artwork and forming a core interest to the diverse line up for The Monochronium Exhibition.
Lighthouse Poole 22-29 October 2011
Fearne are playing the evening of 26th October for The Artathon
For more details visit the events page
Tuesday, 21 June 2011
Shrine Art Installation for The Great Rinsing

From this place I call home I can see the sky,
A wide open space where clouds powder by,
An emptiness so full with thoughts left half thunk,
A glass of tasty travels not even half drunk.
So no matter where I go on this voyage of me,
There are still pages unwritten about this journey.
Still places to go and faces to know,
Places to plant seeds and watch them grow.
No matter where I go there will always be a home,
In the memories and words as I sit here alone.
Make of it what you will, any thoughts and interpretations welcome.
Sunday, 12 June 2011
Lions Let Loose!
I hope they are having a fab time in the divine luxury of the Savoy and are getting the best five star treatment ... must admit ... wish I was going too, am sure they would like to be accompanied by their artist creator, don't you? Hopefully I will get some fabulous pictures I can post on the blog anyway.
Anyway, I shall wait eagerly for the return of my boys next week and look forward to our party before the launch of the exhibition, where all the lions, artists and sponsors will be there ... I am very excited at the prospect of meeting my sponsors; Britannia Leatherbarrows, The Cumberland Hotel and Landrover UK.
Thursday, 9 June 2011
My lions are touring before the exhibiton
Wednesday, 8 June 2011
Hazel's Lionistic and Illustrative Art
Once the final few coats of varnish have been put onto my lovely lions, I will be back in Lighthouse, illustrating performances and continuing my R&D at lighthouse in preparation for my forthcoming art work. I look forward to developing my illustrative work and am delighted to have had the opportunity to be commissioned three lions as as you can see they communicate themes and styles of interest from my own art practice.
Throughout the process of painting live in Lighthouse foyer, I had a portfolio of my illustrations so far from my work at Lighthouse. Thank you for all the positive feedback I have had from people interacting with me and my art. I look forward to exhibiting the originals later on during my residency at Lighthouse.
Below are three pictures of my finished lions.
Best wishes
Saturday, 4 June 2011
Lioning for the Looming Lion Deadline!
Well it’s all getting rather exciting… The deadine is looming and I am frantically Lioning! Gemdeco has now been varnished and my third lion, Freedom Flighter for Land Rover UK, is really coming on well. After many many hours of work and after finally tracking down the right pantone coloured paint for the mane, I’m getting there.
This Freedom Flighter design incorporates the text ‘Born to be Free’ traversing from the base of the mane, across the butterfly design over the body and over to the back thigh of the left hand side of the lion. The concept stems from freedom, being free to fly and express yourself as well as being free in your life as all living being should be. It links closely with the Born Free Foundation, sponsors of Pride in Bournemouth, as well as aligning well with the concepts of the sponsor.
Below are the latest pictures, images of the finished Gemdeco and some pictures of the work in progress for Freedom Flighter.
Happy viewing
Friday, 3 June 2011
Gemdeco Lion finished for Pride in Bournemouth
I finished Gemdeco today, and am really delighted with the result as aswell as meeting the speck for the Cumberland Hotel Bournemouth, this design really ties in well with my current research and development work I have been doing at Lightouse with my illustrative work. The lines and the the flow of the design are really up my street with the art deco influence. I have really enjoyed working on this design. I have been working all the hours I can on Gemdeco, Tuesday night I was in Lighthouse until 10.30pm putting in the final touches … all in the name of art!
More pictures to come of the finished design … also don’t forget to get a map of the Pride in Bournemouth Exhibition and see my three lions. Britannia will be situated in the lower gardens in Bournemouth, Gemdeco will be in the Cumberland Hotel in Bournemouth overooking the sea, and Freedom Flighter will be in Christchuch.
See you soon for the next installment of art in Lighthouse …
Best wishes
Thursday, 19 May 2011
Painting Lions at Lighthouse
My design Britannia was selected for Leatherbarrows, travel and removals company. I began working on the lion in the ‘Den’ in Bournemouth but at the beginning of May Britannia travelled to Lighthouse for me to finish work on him in my own little den in Lighthouse foyer.
The theme is travel, and the main inspiration for the design is a flowing connection between Britain lots of different countries, mainly Europe, USA, Canada and South Africa. The mane sees the union Jack flowing down the body and blending into the different colour flags and shapes of the various countries. All of the flags and shapes are interconnected creating an abstracted design. My signature style comes through in the striking lion design with my use of lines and merging forms.
- Over the past two weeks I have been painting my way through the design in public view, enjoying the interaction of many interested onlookers coming to chat to me about my work. Last week I finished Britannia, complete with three coats of shiny varnish. Now finished ready for the exhibition Britannia has left Lighthouse, but was replaced on Tuesday by another blank white lion as I had the great news last week that I also won the commission for a new lion Gemdeco for the Cumberland Hotel in Bournemouth.
I started work on the new lion, Gemdeco, design today and will be updating my progress here on the lighthouse blog, so keep visiting the website and blog for more information and pictures of my exciting new design. You can also drop in to Lighthouse to see the work in progress over the next two weeks. I aim to have completed Gemdeco by the end of the first week of June, so pop along and have a look.
Posted by Hazel Evans, Visual Artist in Residence at Lighthouse.